Wednesday, May 24, 2017

The Movement of Ancient Humanity

After the human family was conceived, born, educated and civilized, Africans began to migrate away from the Great Lakes Region (present-day Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda, Eastern Central and Northern South Africa).  After Africans got their show together…they took it on the road.  As they moved away from the direct light and heat energy of the sun, physical and bodily changes occurred.  Eventually Africans inhabited every continent on Earth.

Life Along Hapi

    Africa has remained a land area since the Ordovician period (approximately 480 million years ago) and much of it since the Precambrian age going back some two (2) billion years ago.  Hapi (Nile) Valley Basin is 6825 Km in length from the Lucronza River in Tanzania to the Mediterranean Sea, draining an area of three (3) million square km passing through six (6) different regions that differ from each other in natural and geological history,

The First Migration

    The first migrations out of Africa happened with Homo Erectus.  These Africans moved along tropical latitudes enabling Africans to inhabit India, Southeast Asia and ultimately, Australia and the Pacific Islands.  Africans could have inhabited Eurasia by migrations through the Straits of Gibraltar the Isthmus of Suez and perhaps Sicily.  Africans survived everywhere in Europe and Asia until the Neolithic Period.  Their remains can be found in Spain, Portugal, Belgium, the Balkans, Slovakia, Northern Rumania, Poland, Moravia, Austria, Siberia, China, Eastern Europe, the Near East, Crimea, Grimaldi and Java.

The Life History Of The Caucasoid

    The life history of the Caucasoid occurred in an ice age environment near the southern limit of the great line of Eurasian glaciers in an area of southwestern Russia near the 51st parallel.  This glacial line extended through southern England, northern Germany, Poland and southern Russia.  White skin was more favorably adapted to the ecological conditions of this region during the critical period.  This proto-Caucasoid population experienced a more or less prolonged period of isolation that enabled it to develop into a distinct sub-species or ethnic group.

The Life History of the Asian

    Chancelade man, who probably is the prototype for Today’s Asian ethnic stock appeared in the Reindeer period, about 15,000 years ago, during the Magdalenian period.  She/he could have been a combination (cross breed), born under a cold climate, of the Grimaldi Man/Wombman (African) in Europe and of the new Cro-Magnon (African/Eurasian).  In fact, Asian peoples have the pigmentation of mixed peoples, so much so that the comparative biochemical analysis would be unable to reveal any great difference in the quantity of melanin.  No systematic study of blood groups in mixed people has been made to date.  It would have permitted an interesting comparison with those of the Asian stock.

Neanderthal/Homo Sapiens in Eurasia

     The Neanderthals, also classified as Homo Sapiens originated in one of the following ways.

1) By mixture of European/Caucasian stock with Eastern Sinanthropus-Asian stock
2) By indigenous evolution in Europe itself from Homo Sapiens stock or from some
   more ancient stock due to selection for cold survival qualities (Grimaldi/Cro-Magnon)


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